Frequently Asked Questions


How close to UCSB is One Mosaic?

One Mosaic is a 13 minute walk and quick 3 minute bike ride to the UCSB campus. Bus number 11 can also take you into campus, check out for more info.

Are laundry facilities available?

There’s onsite laundry to available to use 24 hours a day.

How can I find a roommate?

One Mosaic isn’t able to help with matching people with roommates but the UCSB housing authority and are great places to reach out to.

How far to downtown Santa Barbara?

Downtown Santa Barbara is a short bus or car ride away with buses leaving from Isla Vista every hour.

Do you offer parking?

One Mosaic provides parking for tenants in a secure covered garage.

Can I bring my pet?

With an additional security deposit One Mosaic allows one pet per unit.